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Achieving Your Dreams: The Power of Goal-Setting

Do you have a dream? It's likely that everyone has a dream, but not everyone can pursue their dream. However, having a dream is not an impossible feat, as achieving it can be a goal that is within reach for all people. If you already know how to pursue your dream, that's great! You will be able to reach your destination, even if there are bumps along the way. Perhaps you may fall or encounter unforeseen obstacles, but don't worry, because everything has its own phase. It's important to take your time and work through each phase. For those of you who haven't started pursuing your dream yet, let's think about it together. Do you think it's difficult to get started? Or maybe there are other things that need to be sorted out before you can pursue your dream? Regardless, what I want you to do is to set your goal first. If you have a big dream, such as Dream A, then you can break it down into smaller goals or mini-batches. Goals A-1, A-2, and so on, can help you k...
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